I set my ship to sail.
These waters I must plow;
The tides are high,
my sails are billowed,
but my ship won’t bulge,
so much weight to row.
Tried as hard as I could,
entangled in every 'You can’t'
my mind has embraced,
It stayed ashore.
Rooted by expectations;
Illusion created in my mind,
of what is demanded,
surprisly not by me nor
anyone who mattered.
If I had cared to question my delusion,
I would have known this.
If I had rolled up my pride sleeves,
step away from my comfort zone,
I might have realized this.
But I was too caught up:
Afraid to dream.
Even much more scared to be!
So I remained trapped.
And when the universe aligned,
to watch me soar,
I remained an unmoveable mass,
waiting for time to roll by
So I can say my good byes.