Have you known hopelessness?
Have your heart been chilled
with the knowledge that you can't.
change a damn thing,
not even if it takes your life away..
Does she court you?
Are her claws wrapped around your middle
Tearing pieces of your pride away,
until there is none...
Has Futility befriended you?
Does your heart and strength know his potency,
Have your fist embraced the wall in wrath for him,
did the impact bring blood,
was the pain negligible to the hurting of your heart
after he has loved you.
are you cocooned in her finery,
does she have you cowering,
Or drabed in a I-don't-give-a-f**k regelia
Does the word gives you comfort or
frightens you..
Have you thought of courting her,
Do she seem like heaven?
Are you bidding your time...
You are not alone,
You are strong and priceless,
You can win this, too