A Tale of Us
I dreamt of flowers,
Lip stretched smiles,
Peals of laughter,
Music the soul sways to.
I dreamt of shared knowing looks,
my hands in yours, long hugs,
talks into the deep of the night-
almost all day.
I dreamt of having my head on your shoulder,
arms wrapped around you,
giving you all the comfort I hold,
I dreamt of you turning to me in your weakness - Transparent.
I dreamt of urging you on as you take on the world,
nudging you to do the impossible,
cheering loudest for you when you look stupid,
I dreamt of never letting you give up nor in.
I dreamt of baring my soul to you,
things I dare not show another,
I dreamt of we holding hands in agreement,
taking up nations,
making history.
I dreamt of an unending ever with you.
I dreamt of Friendship,
I dreamt of Love;
Pure in its form,
Strong in its might.
Surprisingly, all I dreamt of came to be.